Nudging or motivation: adoption and change management of Office 365
This year I attended my first Microsoft Inspire. Central to many of the conversations I had with people during #msinspire was adoption and change management, a subject that is very dear to me. Based on a meetup on adoption I facilitated I made a short presentation with the most important take aways.
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ICT innovation in retail
According to Bianca van der Woude, retailers need to rethink three aspects of their business and IT: innovation, flexibility and systemic digital change. This ‘reboot’ is necessary because customers, employees and technology are now connected inseparably. IT should be top of mind of every executive in the retail market.
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The story behind Rijn IJssel's award winning social intranet
Rijn IJssel has won the Intra.NET Reloaded Berlin award in the category UX Design, personalization and Content Distribution. During the conference (April 18-20) in Berlin they received this prestigious award. Rijn IJssel uses Synigo Pulse as the platform for their Social Intranet, called "Plein".
This blog article tells the full story of their successful social intranet.
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Slimmer werken? Koppel al je applicaties aan een werkplek
Wie niet nieuwsgierig is naar hoe het beter kan, zal zichzelf ook nooit verbeteren. Dat is waarom veel bedrijven qua manier van werken zijn blijven hangen in de jaren ’90. Peter de Haas laat zien dat het anders kan met de Moderne Werkplek.
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The Enterprise Front Door: my takeaways from Entopic's Congres Intranet 2018
My favorite speaker of last Thursday's Congres Intranet in Utrecht is James Robertson, a well-known intranet expert based in Sydney, Australia. I've joined both his keynote and his session about the purposes of modern intranets. It was a great recognition of how we've designed Synigo Pulse. Forget the old internal push communication medium, it's all about the end user now.
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